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Cheminade Addressed 2,000 Participants of Patriots Peace Demonstration in Paris, Jan. 14

Jacques Cheminade, the President of Solidarité & Progrès, was invited to address the peace rally organized by Florian Philippot’s “Patriots” party in the center of Paris on Saturday, Jan. 14.

Philippot, after quitting Marine Le Pen’s party when she decided to “get along” and stopped calling for leaving NATO, the EU, and the Euro, has created his own party, “The Patriots,” and stages increasingly large demonstrations in Paris against price inflation, against sanctions, and for peace negotiations with Russia and leaving NATO’s integrated command as well as the Euro and the EU.

Cheminade, who is on the record for having systematically campaigned to unite all the various left- and right-wing “sovereignist” movements for a common victory platform, was warmly welcomed by the demonstrators, who expressed both respect, enthusiasm, and interest in Cheminade’s elevated remarks clarifying the current context and challenges to be met in what they see as a common struggle.

“I marched in your ranks today,” started Cheminade. One has to identify who is responsible for the war, he said, and “to focus on the Russian offensive in Ukraine is to ignore history. It is the responsibility of a financial oligarchy aiming at the destruction of nation-states that carries the war, because it does not serve the economic, social, and cultural development that is the foundation of peace. The servants of this oligarchy, within NATO and the International Monetary Fund, have not stopped lying to Russia and to their own peoples. To lie to all of us!” he underscored.

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