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EIR Jan. 27 Preview: ‘Nuclear Fusion—for Peace Or War?’

EIR Vol. 50, No. 4 goes to subscribers Thursday, Jan. 26. The cover, “Nuclear Fusion—for Peace or War?” features the Hohlraum chamber at the Lawrence Livermore’s National Ignition Facility, inviting readers to the edited transcript of Jason Ross’s TLO interview of Paul Gallagher, “Fusion Power Can Be a Lot Closer Than You Think.” The interview is followed by the Science & Technology briefs.

The Editorial is the invitation to the Feb 4 Schiller Institute International Conference: The Age of Reason or the Annihilation of Humanity?”

In Section II, “The Age or Reason, or the Age of Annihilation?” we have Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Jan. 18, Schiller Institute webcast dialogue with Harley Schlanger: “Frenzied ‘Global NATO’ Consolidation Is a Threat to All Humanity.”

Then Cliff Kiracofe’s presentation, “The Beastman: Fascism, Synarchy, and the Threat Today,” to the Schiller Institute’s Jan. 14 symposium, “Resurrect the True Mission of JFK and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: Stop NATO’s World War, Dismantle the ‘International Assassination Bureau.’”

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