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What Happens If a Ukrainian Official States a Simple Truth?

Shortly after resigning yesterday from Kiev’s government, a brief video of President Zelensky’s former advisor, Oleksiy Arestovych, was posted on Twitter, with a scathing attack on Kiev’s demonization of Ukraine’s Russian-speaking population.

The three-minute video argues that the government’s “threats, fines and condemnations” of Russian-speakers simply undermines Ukraine. “This is crazy… they will go to Russia, or they will make Russia come here. And then what? Who is the idiot in this situation?” He cited the case of Israel, where Hebrew is the official language, but Arabic, even though it is the language, as he put it, of Israel’s enemies, is used all over the country. He posed this as a much smarter approach.

He continued: “We say that all Russians are bad and there are no good Russians, but how do the ethnic Russians in Ukraine hear us? Or Russian speakers? What do they hear? You are the enemy.” We create a “hidden opposition to Ukraine, because Ukrainians behave like complete assholes with their own citizens….”

Then he launched into the recent attacks upon Ukraine’s 1,000-year-old Ukrainian Orthodox Church: “Zelensky declared war on Christianity. This is when the Security Service of Ukraine entered the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and other places….”

He concluded that we turn people “into Russian agents…. You have to be a complete [expletive deleted] on the state level, in order to first pass such [language] laws…. [W]hen a citizen or a person knows that the state will punish him if he communicates in the language of his mother, he will never be completely loyal to such a state.” He asked: “Does the state want to shoot citizens?” If that is the case, “it will not hold the territory.”

Evidently, it did not take the Mirotvorets gang more than a few hours to add Zelensky’s former advisor to their target list. They claim that in his “aggression against Ukraine,” he “engaged in activities that undermined the morale of the armed forces, harmed Ukraine’s defense capability, and damaged the reputation of Ukraine’s public institutions.”