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China’s Industry Expanded in February at the Fastest Rate in a Decade

China’s manufacturing sector expanded at its fastest pace in more than a decade in February, as the official manufacturing sector purchasing managers’ index hit 52.6 last month, according to the National Bureau of Statistics, the highest figure since April 2012. The February level is up from January’s reading of 50.1, and it beats economists’ expectations of 50.5. The figure is the highest since April 2012. A figure of more than 50 on the index indicates an expansion, while one below signals a contraction.

China is thus defying western propaganda that claimed its economy would suffer a setback from the end of the lockdown policy and the alleged uncontrollable expansion of the pandemic. China’s exit from their strict ‘Zero Covid’ policy worked. As Chinese citizens had symptoms, they initially rushed to hospitals—in China, the institution of a family doctor does not exist—and the hospital system was prepared to deal with the influx. Serious cases were contained and the hospital system was never overwhelmed.