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Preview of the March 31 EIR: ‘War and Financial Collapse—Solutions Are Available!’

EIR} Vol. 50, No. 13 goes to subscribers Thursday, March 30 with the issue title: “War and Financial Collapse—Solutions Are Available!” On the cover are Presidents Xi and Putin in Moscow.

This week’s reprint from Lyndon LaRouche (in Section III) is an 18-page essay written July 18, 2000, titled “On a Basket of Hard Commodities: Trade Without Currency.” He concludes thusly:

“The jewel of all civilization, is the development of the perfectly sovereign cognitive powers of the individual person. The promotion of the development of that individual, those powers, and the realization of the benefit each might contribute to the present and future humanity, must be the conception which motivates all our shaping of economic policies. That must be the cast in fact; that must be a shared understanding among the parties.

“A basket of commodities, as I have outlined that case here, is thus to be understood as a shared commitment to do good. The issue of economy is, therefore, not the exact price to be placed on any commodity, but the good will expressed in the way a reasonable estimate of a fair price is adopted. On that basis, a reasonable price for a unit basket of commodities, will be the right price in practice.”

The issue opens with an Editorial by Harley Schlanger: “ICC Hypocrisy: Putin Indicated on 20th Anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq.”

There follows a short advertisement for the April 15-16 Schiller Institute conference, “Without the Development of All Nations, There Can Be No Lasting Peace for the Planet,” that includes a concert with the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus on April 16. A link to register is provided.

Section I, “Responding to the Strategic Crisis,” contains a three-piece package:

• Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Live Dialogue from March 22, titled “War and Financial Collapse—Solutions Are Available!”

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