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Statement of LaRouche Independent Senate Candidate Diane Sare on the Possible Arrest of Former President Donald Trump

It’s time for the soap opera horror film to end. Between our military adventures abroad, and the suppression of the rights of our citizens within, our United States Republic has become an outlaw nation, spitting on the principles so poetically enshrined in our declaration of Independence and Constitution.

The question of justice, rooted in natural law, is a fundamental pillar of the legitimacy of government. For good reason, most Americans have lost faith that justice will be served and that Truth has standing in our courts.

Everyone believes that the continuous judicial hounding of former President Trump is an attempt by the judiciary to meddle in the 2024 presidential elections. But it is also an effort to get everyone to look the other way while your pocket is being picked by another round of massive bailouts of our failed banking system.

It is also meant to divert you from noticing that the Biden Administration, along with the U.K. and NATO, are lurching toward a potential nuclear showdown with Russia and China, and that there is strong reason to believe that President Biden, along with members of his cabinet, including Victoria Nuland, and various British Prime Ministers, gave the orders to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines, for which no one is being held accountable.

Therefore, if the credibility of our nation is to be restored, and Justice to be allowed to return to grace our once-fair land, I would like to propose the indictment and arrest of four individuals who have committed far worse crimes than those allegedly committed by our former President.

Barney Frank. Mr. Frank served 32 years in the U.S. House of Representatives, and many of those years on the House Financial Services Committee. When my colleague LaRouche candidate Rachel Brown ran a highly visible Democratic Primary campaign against him in 2010, challenging him specifically on his support for the repeal of FDR’s Glass-Steagall bank separation, which would have prevented what we are now seeing. Not only did he oppose Glass-Steagall, but he co-authored the notorious Dodd-Frank Act, which allows the bail-in of depositors’ accounts, in favor of saving derivatives obligations in Section 2. But when Barney Frank joined the board of Signature Bank in New York, he lobbied intensely to abolish his own regulation, lifting the limit of $50 billion in assets, to over $250 billion, which helped to ensure the bankruptcy of Signature Bank today.

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase. If you want more, ask former Attorney General Eric Holder.

Finally, Janet Yellen, Treasury Secretary, and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, who besides treasonously funding the Banderist regime in Kiev, prolonging a murderous war, which long should have been over, and stealing the bank accounts of nations like Afghanistan, leading to mass starvation, just colluded with President Biden to violate the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, which insures up to $250,000 per depositor, with certain rational exceptions, by bailing out Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and Silvergate Bank in their entirety, thereby merely slightly postponing the inevitable doom of a rotten, over bloated system, and increasing the indebtedness of the American people.

Until the Department of Justice and FBI begin indicting and arresting the people who are doing the most harm to our nation and our people, we must presume that they are acting in the interest of something other than our nation and humanity as a whole.

Which brings me to a fifth person for whom an arrest warrant should have been issued years ago: King Charles—rather than President Putin—by the International Criminal Court, whose policy initiatives on behalf of what he calls “Global Britain” would, if implemented, lead to the death of billions of people.

As a 33-year associate of the late economist and former Presidential candidate Lyndon LaRouche, I am all too familiar with political witch hunts and public relations stunts to divert from real, ongoing crimes. Let’s get serious and lock up the right criminals this time. ( )