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Dennis Kucinich Introduces RFK Jr. in Boston: "I'm a Kennedy Democrat"

Former Mayor of Cleveland, Congressman, Presidential candidate, and “Rage Against the War Machine” rally speaker Dennis Kucinich introduced Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at the latter’s Democratic Presidential campaign launch event in Boston. He held up an “I’m A Kennedy Democrat” campaign placard as he spoke on that resonant theme:

“Hi, I’m Dennis Kucinich, and I’m a Kennedy Democrat! What is a Kennedy Democrat? I found out when my father, Frank J. Kucinich, Senior, a lifetime member of Teamsters Local 407, and father of seven, took me to a Labor rally in Cleveland to see the Democratic nominee, U. S. Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, speak.

“… And although it was almost 63 years ago, the standard that Senator Kennedy held up on that day, for peace and prosperity, and held high throughout his presidency, was later picked up by his brother, US Senator from New York, Robert F. Kennedy.

” And that same standard, of an America that is ever evolving and moving along an upward path, the standard of a Kennedy Democrat, is ready to once again be raised, this time by Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s namesake, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“What is a Kennedy Democrat? A Kennedy Democrat fearlessly protects the rights of working men and women. A Kennedy Democrat protects the Constitution of the United States. A Kennedy Democrat defends Americans’ civil liberties and the rights of all the people. A Kennedy Democrat believes in the power of diplomacy when the fate not only of the nation, but the earth itself hangs in the balance. A Kennedy Democrat meets adversity to seek unity. A Kennedy Democrat is unbought and unbossed. A Kennedy Democrat puts country ahead of self.

“…Under the dynamic leadership of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., we will restore the Democratic party. We will work with Republicans and all Americans, in the words of Lincoln to “bind up our nation’s wounds.”

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