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French Peace Movement Blasts Military Buildup, Backs Chinese Peace Proposal

On April 4, in a press release called “No to the War Economy,” the French Mouvement de la Paix reacted strongly against the Military Programming Law (LPM 2024-2030) of €413 billion (40% increase compared to the previous law), discussed by the Ministers Council. The LPM includes about €50 billion for nuclear weapons.

The Mouvement de la Paix was created in the aftermath of the Second World War by the large resistance movements, particularly those associated with Communists, Christians and free-thinkers. This year, parallel to the German and U.S. demos, it staged demos in February in France, in which S&P and Jacques Cheminade participated.

“We reject this insane money for war! Yes to an economy for Peace! Let’s refuse to be dragged into this logic of war whose disastrous economic, financial, social and ecological consequences we are already suffering, and whose extent we can hardly imagine in the future, including in case of the use of nuclear weapons. Let us demand the reorientation of budgets towards social needs: wages, pensions, health—hospitals, education and research, public services—job creation, the fight to reduce climate change!

“France, instead of inserting itself into the orientations of NATO, must propose and act for solutions based on the United Nations Charter, the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), the work of the IPCC and the UN Resolutions for a Culture of Peace.”

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