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Preview of April 14 EIR: ‘On the Precipice Of Nuclear War’

EIR Vol. 50, No. 15 goes out to subscribers Thursday, April 13 with the above issue title. On the cover is an image of “Joe Biden” whooping it up, à la Maj. T.J. “King” Kong, riding a nuclear bomb, as portrayed by an S&P street theater actor at an anti-war demonstration in Paris.

Our featured Lyndon LaRouche piece this week is his 23-page essay, “‘The Mask of Nancy Pelosi’: The Force of Tragedy,” reprinted from the Nov. 9, 2007 EIR. In this essay, LaRouche situates the progress of humanity in the principle of cultural evolution:

“Unlike the relatively fixed potential relative population-density of the beasts, it is from the evolutionary development of those specifically human mental powers, as in the upstream progress of a maritime culture, that each generation inherits the specific powers of its immediate predecessors.”

“We are creatures of the seas, striving upward toward the stars. We are creatures of the fourth and highest domain, above the abiotic, the merely living, and the merely individual. We are, by anointed destiny, not beasts, but, as Genesis 1:26-31 specifies, creatures in the willful likeness of the Creator.”

The opening editorial is “Next Shoe To Drop in G7 Bank Crisis: The Dollar,” followed by a second editorial, “The Global Majority and a New Birth of Freedom,” provided by Dennis Speed.

Right after the two editorials is a full-page agenda for the upcoming 4-panel April 15–16 Schiller Institute Conference, “Without the Development All Nations, There Can Be No Lasting Peace On the Planet,” and concert, “Let Us Have Peace: Handel’s Messiah Oratorio,” to be performed live by the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus. A registration link is provided.

In Section I, “Dollar Crisis and War,” you will find:

Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Live Dialogue, from April 5, titled “Replace the Defunct ‘Rules-Based Order’ with Cooperation for Development.”

“On the Precipice of Nuclear War: The Russia-Ukraine Conflict,” written for EIR by Donald Ramotar, former President of Guyana.

An Economics Briefs column.

“‘The Mask of Nancy Pelosi’: The Force of Tragedy,” by Lyndon LaRouche.

The issue closes with a Science & Technology Briefs column.