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Preview of April 7 EIR: ‘April 15-16 Conf: No Development, No Lasting Peace for the Planet’

EIR Vol. 50, No. 14 goes to subscribers Thursday, March 30 with the above issue title. On the cover is an image of Planet Earth.

Our featured Lyndon LaRouche piece this week (in Section III) is the Introduction to his “Saudi Arabia in the Year 2023,” an EIR Special Report written in 1983, forty years ago, which has heretofore not appeared in EIR magazine! After summarizing the trade and cultural connections of the region, LaRouche states:

“The thematic task of the Arab World over the coming four decades is the conquest of the desert … which requires the economical production of water by desalination … which will be radically improved with the emergence of commercial thermonuclear fusion as a prime energy source….

“Urban development has been the driving force of civilization for more than 10,000 years…. Cities have had a twofold function over the intervening thousands of years, to the present day. First, such new cities, as centers for promotion of agricultural development, perform an indispensable economic function. Second, properly designed, such new cities have a critical cultural function, breaking the pattern of poverty, despair, and pessimism infecting the existing cities of most of the Arab World, and ending an artificial and socially dangerous division between urban and rural life….

“The first objective is to make states self-sufficient in agriculture, by increasing the number of hectares and yields per hectare simultaneously…. First, irrigation and land reclamation—large-scale engineering projects, which are creations of the industrialized section of the labor force. Second, maintenance….

“The Arab World’s greatest task, complementing the conquest of the desert, is conquering its scarcity of population….”

The opening Editorial is “All Eyes Are on the Schiller Institute’s April 15-16 Conference for Solutions to the Breakdown Crisis.”

Section I, “Strategic Intervention in Germany,” contains a three-piece package:

• A report by Elke Fimmen on the March 27 “Dialogue Instead of Weapons—Peace with Russia” meeting organized the East German Advisory Board of Associations (OKV)—called “to help create a new peace movement across party affiliations and ideological differences in a time of ever-increasing grave danger, including that of nuclear confrontation between the two superpowers"” Not just “Peace,” but “Peace with Russia.”

• The full text of the Resolution passed at the conclusion of the “Dialogue” meeting.

• Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s address to the “Dialogue” meeting: “Peace with Russia—for a New Global Security and Development Architecture.”

Section II, “Combatting Green Madness,” also contains a three-piece package:

• Daniel Platt’s “Green Dictates Defeated in the Netherlands and Berlin,” reporting on the Netherlands in which the population voted March 15 with and for the farmers, and against the “green” dictates, in particular against restrictions on nitrogen deposition, causing the ruling party to lose control of the Senate; and the defeat of a referendum in Berlin that would have imposed “climate neutrality” by 2030, instead of 2045.

• “BüSo Welcomes Crushing Defeat for ‘Pro-Climate’ Referendum in Berlin”

• A highly polemical article, “The Ersatz Nitrogen Crisis—Delusional Expertocracy and the Destruction of Dutch Agriculture,” by Dr. Jaap C. Hanekamp, an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Utrecht University, attacking the idea of there being a “nitrogen crisis” of over-deposition, which is being used as an excuse for shutting down agriculture.

Section III, “Southwest Asia Being Transformed,” contains

• The March 11 Schiller Institute conference presentation by LaRouche Youth Movement member Sam Nettnin: “The LaRouche Plan for the Reconstruction and Development of Syria.”

• “Syria: Peace and Development Diplomacy Takes Off,” by Mary Jane Freeman and Carl Osgood.

• “Chinese Diplomacy Replaces U.S. Militarism in the Mideast,” by retired career diplomat Chas Freeman.

• “Saudi Arabia in the Year 2023” (Introduction), by Lyndon LaRouche.

The issue closes with Ibero-America Briefs.