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June 23 EIR: 'BRICS Bank: Wall Street’s Nightmare Comes to Life'

EIR Vol. 50, No. 25 goes to subscribers Thursday, June 22. The cover photo shows the leaders of seven African nations discussing a plan with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in St. Petersburg, June 19, for a peaceful resolution of the war in Ukraine.

The Editorial, “Wall Street’s Nightmare Is Coming to Life,” is Dennis Small’s lead to Sunday’s “Morning Briefing.”

Section I begins with an edited transcript of Helga Zepp-LaRouche in dialogue with H.E. Hina Rabbini Khar, Pakistan’s Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, with a brief introduction by Michelle Rasmussen, Vice President of the Schiller Institute in Denmark. It is titled, “A New World Order of Development for All Nations.” The Section includes International and Economics Briefs.

Section II, themed “What Kind of Peace?” begins with a discussion about the topic of the discussion during the Schiller Institute’s June 10 Conference. Dennis Speed titled it “We Need Not Be Tragic—The World Needs JFK’s Vision of Peace.”

Then, “The Past Speaks to the Future—Robert Kennedy’s Message in South Africa, and Global Revolutionary Change,” written in 2018 by the late Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane, then leader of LaRouche South Africa.

The Section includes an edited transcript of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s keynote to the June 10 conference; and an excerpt from the Discussion Session, in which Zepp-LaRouche answers a question from Peru with an invocation of Classical culture.

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