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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Ranks Highest on ‘Favorability’ for President in a Poll

Presidential pre-candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was reported yesterday by the DC Beltway’s Politico as ranking highest in a poll taken for “favorability” among all candidates. The poll was conducted June 10-13 by The Economist of London and YouGov, among 1,500 U.S. adults. Kennedy scored 49% as favorable; he got 30% as unfavorable. Biden and Trump each came in lower, with 44%. The lowest of all among the total of over a dozen candidates, is Chris Christie, who managed to come in negative.

Easy insight into this comes, for example, from Kennedy’s straight talk against the government’s lies. On Fox News this week, he said, “I think the Administration and the Pentagon are dishonest with Americans on the issue of real victims of Ukrainians. I think the Ukrainian Government is also lying…. The White House neoconservatives have been preparing and provoking this conflict for ten years, and they continue to avoid any talk about peace and any attempts to settle it.”