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Dutch and Flemish Farmers Defence Force Headlined in Belgian Press

The headline of the Belgian agricultural weekly Landbouwleven, reads: “As of Friday, August 18, the Figures Used To Set the Nitrogen Policy Are No Llonger Credible.” That was the day that marked the solidarity between the newly-minted Belgian Farmers Defence Force—FDF(BE), and the Dutch “veteran” FDF(NL) which has been actively defending the farmers and fishermen against marauding greenies and the EU government for a number of years, whose work brought down the Dutch government coalition in March of this year.

Davos and the EU accuse farmers of producing too much nitrogen compounds, from manure and fertilizers, which excess is somehow threatening the existence of civilization. Their hypocrisy is shown by the fact that certain industries are exempted, airlines are given free rein, but the farmers are threatened with forced sale of their property if “a sparrow poops in a corner of the farm.”

The real issue is that the environmentalist movement was invented after World War II by the Malthusians who demand population reduction, for the sake of “saving the planet.” Various excuses are invented, such as “excess CO2,” “too many nitrogen compounds deposited” and “infringing on the rights of wild animals such as wolves.” By law, farmers have to accept “nature areas” next to their land which are being stocked with wolves. That is almost more ridiculous than criminal: As pointed out by Sieta van Keimpema, the Secretary of the FDF(NL) who came down from the Netherlands to address the newly-minted FDF(BE) rally in Antwerp, “if we were to return to nature, most of us would drown, since two-thirds of the country is below sea level!”

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