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Lukaschenko Poses, Whose “Territorial Integrity”?

August 21, 2023 (EIRNS) Last Thursday in Minsk, Belarusian President Aleksandar Lukaschenko hosted Chinese Defense Minister and State Chancellor Li Shangfu. As reported by Global Times, Chinese observers hailed Li’s visit to Belarus as one that would help further boost defense ties and overall relations between the two countries. China is currently Belarus’s biggest trading partner. The China-Belarus relationship carries great value for world strategic balance, counterposed to the West’s attempt to achieve an imbalanced strategic pattern that only benefits itself. Collaboration in military training and exchanges were discussed.

Of note, Belarus’s President Lukaschenko observed: “We are absolute supporters of a multipolar world, territorial integrity and unity of the borders and territories formed after World War II. We stay committed to non-interference in the internal affairs of states. In short, the whole palette on which China’s foreign policy is based is similar to ours.”

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