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Biden Extends Economic Blockade Against Cuba for Another Year

One day before the G77+ China summit began in Havana, Cuba, during which every speaker denounced the vicious six-decade long economic blockade and other sanctions against Cuba, President Joe Biden issued a statement announcing the extension of that blockade for another year, until Sept. 14, 2024. In fact, he renews this criminal “authorization” every year.

In a Sept. 13 memorandum, which is directed to the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury, Biden states that the continued economic strangulation of Cuba, which occurs under the auspices of the Trading with the Enemy Act, “is in the national interest of the United States."

The continuation of the economic embargo which began in February of 1962 is genocidal. In the final days of the Trump administration, the murderous outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gleefully announced “I will strangle Cuba” as he imposed another 250 more sanctions on the island. The Biden administration continued madman Pompeo’s strangulation policy. Since then, due to the economic crisis caused by the Covid pandemic and natural disasters, the island has suffered severe food and energy shortages, leading many thousands of citizens to leave the island in search of a better life elsewhere.

Every year for the last 30 years a nonbinding resolution has been introduced at the UN General calling for ending the U.S.’s Cuba blockade. Last year, 185 nations voted for the resolution—the U.S. and Israel voted against it, while Ukraine and Brazil (under then-President Jair Bolsonaro) abstained. Another resolution will be introduced at this year’s UNGA.