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Biden Sept. 14 Speech: ‘We Are the Essential Nation’

President Biden on Sept. 14, gave what was billed as a major campaign/Presidential speech in Largo, Maryland, asserting that his Bidenomics is successful. This presentation presented fantasy views of how well the economy is doing. Capping it off he went beyond hyperbole, into the realm of manic assertion of the supremacy of the United States. “We are the most unique nation in the world…Madeleine Albright was right: We are the essential nation.”

The White House/Biden campaign also launched a youth-drive the same day. Vice President Kamala Harris began a seven state tour of college campuses, with the first stop being at Hampton Institute in Virginia Sept. 14.

A dismal White House Fact Sheet was issued Sept. 14, “President Biden and Vice President Harris Are Delivering for Young Americans.” The statement is a review, in the form of a list of what the Administration thinks are key provisions for youth. There is not a single, positive technological, scientific, mission-related activity among them.

The list features such points as respect for varying genders, action against climate change, protection of “reproductive rights,” help on student debt, “safe policing,” ending gun violence, and more. Outstanding is the furtherance of dope. Biden/Harris boast of directing the Attorney General and Department of Health and Human Services to “review” the Federal laws against marijuana, in other words, to decriminalize it on the national level.