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Ritter on 'Chrystia Freeland’s Nazi Problem'

In a substack article entitled “Chrystia Freeland’s Nazi Problem”, Scott Ritter responds to a reader who criticized him for choosing to “call [Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister] Chrystia Freeland a Nazy and mutter something under your breath about Azov.”

“You are correct,” responds Ritter. “I should not have mumbled anything that linked Chrystia Freeland … to Nazi ideology or the odious Ukrainian ultra-nationalist, neo-Nazi, white supremacist military movement, the Azov Regiment. For that I apologize.”

“I should have shouted it out loud at the top of my voice.”

Ritter points to Freeland’s participation in a February rally in which she held up a scarf with the black and red colors of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists-B (OUN-B), a Ukrainian military group that fought alongside Nazi Germany during World War II. The scarf bore the words (in Ukrainian) “Glory to Ukraine” on one side and “Glory to the Heroes” on the other. These two phrases were the official slogan of Stepan Bandera’s OUN-B in 1941.

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