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Senate Candidate Sare in DC: the BRICS Nations' Impact in Unusual Places

The recent on-line discussion by EIR’s Stewart Battle and Senate candidate Sare of the BRICS tectonic impact on the world geometry continues to receive expanded attention: as of Monday, Sept. 4, the reach of that edition of the Sare Symposium was at 102,000, including 80,000 views. This “BRICS impact” was also reflected in DC this past weekend at the meeting of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. As in many recent public appearances, Diane’s recognition among the attendees was high, with many participants saying, “I remember you from last year’s meeting.” Many people requested her beautiful palm cards, despite a ban on “campaigning” at the event. Sen. Richard H. Black made a point of seating Diane at his VIP table and introducing her to his friends.

The Grayzone’s Anya Parampil and Max Blumenthal were featured speakers. Parampil had just returned from South Africa, where she had attended the BRICS Summit as a journalist. She presented a sharp picture of the brilliance of the BRICS breakthrough. Speaking of the BRICS members, she said, “There is a new dynamic... they have been bludgeoned out of the dollar system... they are not anti-American, they just want us to act as a normal nation.” This largely “Libertarian” audience thus received another history lesson on the power and the necessity of the sovereign nation-state! In private discussions, Diane described aspects of real American history, including the role of the presidencies of Presidents Garfield and McKinley. Diane followed up her many dialogues at the event with an appearance on Senator Black’s on-line video program, in which Senator Black gave Diane high praise for her national campaign for the U.S. Senate. Diane’s campaign is having international impact.