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U.S. Congressman Underscores, We Should Stop Wasting Money on Ukraine

U.S. Congressman Paul A. Gosar (R-AZ) gave an exclusive statement to Sputnik on Sept. 22, emphasizing that the U.S. should cease funding military operations in Ukraine, and instead focus on domestic issues.

“‘I have voted against every single bill to fund the war in Ukraine and I will not support this latest $40 billion supplemental request, or any future request, by Biden to perpetuate the needless death and destruction on both sides in this war. Our nation is under attack at the southern border, inflation is at an historic high and our country is buried in $33 trillion national debt. Anyone in Congress who thinks differently should spend more time away from Washington, DC because most Americans are fed up with the war and the endless spending. Congress should stop wasting money in Ukraine and focus on America’s needs,” said Gosar.

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