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Weapons Pipeline to Ukraine Challenged in Congress

Ukrainian autocrat Zelenskyy toured Washington with his demand for even more weapons, by peddling fantasies about what’s happening on the battlefield. The Ukrainians have a solid war plan, and “they are winning,” members of Congress quoted him as saying on Capitol Hill yesterday, according to AP’s account. Zelenskyy “conceded that it’s tough, very tough to overcome entrenched defenses,” said Sen. Angus King (I-VT). “They believe they will make slow but steady progress, but it’s not going to be quick.”

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, who refused to allow Zelenskyy to address a joint session of Congress, nonetheless called his meeting with House members a “productive session.” “It was direct, it was honest, they answered some of the questions,” McCarthy said. “I heard a lot of positive things.”

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