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EIR Daily News • Sunday, October 29, 2023

Aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) conducts routine operations in the Atlantic Ocean on Oct. 18, 2023. US Navy Photo

The Lead

Western Military Forces Massing in Southwest Asia Are for War, Not ‘Deterrence’

by Marcia Merry Baker (EIRNS) — Oct. 28, 2023

There are three dramatic updates this weekend: The escalation of attacks on Gaza to new depths of horror; the world upsurge of millions of people in protest against allowing this horror to continue; and the Western battle forces massing in Southwest Asia, which constitute war preparation, not “deterrence.”

Yesterday the world demanded for ending this evil madness. In the United Nations General Assembly, 120 nations (45 abstaining) voted up a resolution, opposed by the U.S., Israel, and 12 others, calling for an immediate humanitarian truce in the Gaza-Israel combat, towards a ceasefire. It was introduced by Jordan, along with a group of 12 Arab nations, and a total of 50 co-sponsors. Not one of the 54 nations of Africa voted with the United States. Thus the vast majority of the 193 member-nations of the UN made their view clear.

The United States, and the Global NATO configuration, are not only losing respect, but losing any last shred of credibility. However, the echelon of depraved elites in charge in the West do not respond to such concerns. Look at President Biden’s reply to a reporter’s Oct. 25 question about the thousands of dead in Gaza: Biden said that you can’t trust any figures from the Palestinians.

The United States, with direction from the Great Britain, is digging its own grave, but the problem is that it’s a mass grave for all humanity, unless the evil madness is stopped. The meeting yesterday of the International Peace Coalition is critical to forcing a shift in the world, to a pathway toward peace and a new paradigm of common interest among nations. This is the time to join forces.

Gaza. The Israeli government, the night of Oct. 27, announced “expanded ground operations” against Gaza, and conducted perhaps the most intensive destruction yet from sea and land bombardment, and air strikes. A Defense Ministry spokesman gave a chilling pretense of justification for hitting any and all social targets in Gaza, by making a televised presentation showing a computer-generated simulation of the largest hospital in Gaza City, claiming that it housed a hidden Hamas command center. About the same time, the entire Gaza Strip was plunged into darkness, when all telecom services went out. The fierce bombardment then lasted for hours.

World Protest. Today there are protest rallies in thousands of locations worldwide, some small, others huge. In London, the crowd is at least 100,000, and likely far larger. There are demonstrations reported from Tunis to Jakarta, and at many locations throughout the United States. Tonight in New York City, protesters shut down the Brooklyn Bridge, by marching on the westbound lane into Manhattan.

In Istanbul, a reported 1.5 million turned out for a mega-rally at Ataturk Airport in support of Palestine. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived by helicopter, and spoke out in fierce rhetoric against the West and Israel. In response to today’s event and Erdogan’s statements, Israel said it was pulling its diplomats out of Türkiye to “reassess relations.”

U.S. Military Build-Up. The huge build-up and disposition of U.S. and cohort military forces in Southwest Asia was summarized in an article posted Oct. 26 on the website of the U.S. Naval Institute News.

The USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier battle group, already in the Central Mediterranean, has been moved closer to the Gaza coast. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has issued orders extending its deployment. Also heading for the Eastern Mediterranean, the French Navy has deployed its amphibious warship Tonnerre (L9014) to join two guided-missile frigates in position there now. The British have sent two ships to this region as well, the landing dock ship RFA Lyme Bay (L3007), and the auxiliary vessel RFA Argus (A135). Italy has a naval vessel deployed.

USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-60) and its escorts transited the Strait of Gibraltar on Oct. 28, and will be heading for the Eastern Mediterranean, reported USNI News. The “Ike” Carrier Strike group includes two destroyers, the guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea, with the Carrier Air Wing 3, and other craft.

While originally tasked to operate along with the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group, the Ike Group has been re-tasked. It will proceed through the Suez Canal into the Arabian Sea, to operate there with the U.S. 5th Fleet.

When the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower group arrives, it will be the first time a U.S. carrier strike group is in this region since the Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group was in the northern Arabian Sea after supporting the U.S. forces evacuation from Afghanistan. The United States is back for war.


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