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Former British Ambassador Detained in U.K. Following Palestine and Assange Activity

Former U.K. Ambassador Craig Murray was detained upon his return to the U.K. from Iceland, where he had attended a Palestine solidarity event and met with leaders of the Assange Campaign, which promotes awareness of the unjust treatment of Julian Assange, who is being held in a high security prison, without being charged, against the expatriation request by Washington.

Under the draconian Schedule 7 of the 2000 Terrorism Act, people detained at border crossings have no right to silence. Murray was warned that he would be prosecuted for failing to answer their questions, which related to his personal finances, his blog, the Assange movement, and the rally he attended.

Although Murray was released after an hour, police seized his cellphone and laptop, reports The Grazyone’s Kit Klarenberg, who has himself been similarly detained in Britain.

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