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Garland Nixon Calls Out the UN Security Council: Nuclear War Confrontation Is Real

A direct address to the UN Security Council to pull the world back from a thermonuclear confrontation was made on Oct.13 by Garland Nixon, a participant in various Schiller Institute conferences on the subject. Nixon explained what level of maturity and responsibility was demanded for a Security Council in a nuclear world, and in particular one facing a “"extinction-level” crisis. The world has no choice but diplomacy, lest “our beautiful planet” be turned “into an icy, uninhabitable rock.”

Otherwise, Nixon excoriated the perverse ideological sickness of such as US Sen. Lindsey Graham, who glories in the cheapness of expending Ukrainian youth to take down Russians. He emphasized that, with the amount of Ukrainian deaths exceeding in four months what the US lost in a decade in Vietnam, it is unconscionable to send off ill-prepared new cannon fodder. He called it a “reckless disregard” for the lives of Ukrainian people.

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