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On October 1, 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration opened for business. Two months earlier, President Dwight Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, and the Congress created NASA, largely in response to the successful Sputnik mission that the Soviet Union launched the year earlier.

There are many historic achievements by NASA; too numerous to be listed here. Although the NASA website is undergoing upgrades, interested readers can find more information of some of the historic milestones.

Over the decades, Executive Intelligence Review and other publications associated with Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, have documented and expounded upon the many discoveries and contributions made by NASA, its scientists, and its illustrious missions, and the continuing challenges faced by mankind. And, not the least of which is the excellent book written in 2000 by our late Marsha Freeman, Challenges of Human Space Exploration.