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Poland Uncovers Ukraine Mass Grave of Bandera's World War II Victims

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced on oct. 27 that a large burial ground in western Ukraine filled with the remains of Poles has been uncovered, another case of the ethnic cleansing campaign by Stepan Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) in World War II. Morawiecki’s video statement, posted on X, said that the mass grave was found near the town of Puzhniki in Ukraine’s Ternopol Region. He had visited the site in July.

The head of the Prime Minister’s office Michal Dworczyk explained that the discovery was made by a joint Polish-Ukrainian team, which included specialists from the Pomeranian Medical University and the Polish Institute of National Remembrance, as well as Ukrainian archeologists. He added that it was the first time in nine years that such a discovery has been made on Ukrainian territory.

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