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EIR Daily News • Friday, November 10, 2023

The Lead

The Meaning of Humanity Hangs in the Balance

by Stewart Battle (EIRNS) — Nov. 09, 2023

November 9 saw demonstrations break out around the world in a new phase of protests, sit-ins, and marches against the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Despite the efforts to intimidate, slander, and censor those speaking out, the resistance to this policy is growing, and it is getting stronger. The nonlinear process is not going to be put back in the bottle.

There are likely massive attempts to bring these actions down to a lower level, to hatred and vengeance, which, happily, have not succeeded. Instead something far more interesting and unexpected is emerging. The last 50 years of cultural warfare—aimed to get Americans and Europeans to care more about their Instagram profiles and their preferred styles of fornication—has not been successful. As Lyndon LaRouche forecast, referencing the earlier hypothesis of the great poet Percy B. Shelley, at moments of great crisis people are suddenly confronted with what really matters, and can shed their old identities in the blink of an eye.

A similar thing could be said for UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, who is not one to stick his neck out and be gripped by a higher principle, but who on Nov. 8 made an obvious and profound point. When referencing Israel’s seeming indifference in distinguishing between Palestinian children and Hamas fighters, he said: “If we don’t make that distinction, I think it’s humanity itself that will lose its meaning.” Indeed, that is precisely the question that is before the world right now.

While this may not be on the lips of every participant in the demonstrations sweeping the globe, it is the preeminent question which is unspoken, and creeping up to smack people on the back of the head for those who have tried to ignore it. All kinds of games are being played around the word “ceasefire” and “pauses,” which is really just a racist excuse for belief that Palestinian lives are disposable, though few will admit that. Cracks are occurring nonetheless. Belgium has now broken out of this lying charade, and is now considering imposing sanctions against Israeli “extremists” who are perpetrating crimes in Palestine. In France, even President Macron has been affected, and on Nov. 9 called for an immediate ceasefire. Will European nations finally break out of their servitude to the dying and war-hungry trans-Atlantic system?

This process must be accelerated as rapidly as possible. The growing calls for ceasefire and a durable resolution to this crisis must be elevated by the unique contribution of the International Peace Coalition. The underlying issue for peace is not the cessation of fighting, but the affirmative intention to create something good—something human. Only a solution informed in this way—for the benefit of Palestinians and Israelis—will work, and any thinking to the contrary will not.

In her weekly webcast from Nov. 8, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said the following:

“The more that conflicts like Ukraine and now with Gaza are continuing, the more I’m absolutely strengthening my conviction that geopolitics is one of the greatest evils which we absolutely must get rid of if we are supposed to survive as a human species. Because geopolitics is exactly the kind of stuff out of which two world wars erupted in the 20th century, and if we don’t overcome it now, by going in the direction of a new paradigm, which puts the cause of humanity first, then we will probably not get rid of this mortal danger which we are in.

“And the only country that has suggested something going in this direction, is, indeed, China. And Xi Jinping, who always talks about the ‘shared community for the one future of mankind’—and if you think about it, it’s so obvious: You’re sitting on one boat! There is a shared community of the one future, because since the existence of nuclear weapons, and pandemics, and the internet, and I could list a whole bunch of other things, which should demonstrate to people that we are sitting in one boat! If we have a nuclear war, that will kill all of humanity. And if we do not shape up, it will come to that.

“So we’d better think about the fact that we are the one human species. I think that’s very, very important.”

So build the International Peace Coalition and create a future for mankind.


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