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Biden Op-Ed Is Part Propaganda, Part Delusion, Part Messianic, with a Side of Anti-Putinism

An op-ed by President Biden published yesterday in the Washington Post is part Israeli propaganda, part delusional, and part messianic with some anti-Putinsim thrown in. “Today, the world faces an inflection point, where the choices we make—including in the crises in Europe and the Middle East—will determine the direction of our future for generations to come,” he declared at the outset. “Will we deny Hamas the ability to carry out pure, unadulterated evil? Will Israelis and Palestinians one day live side by side in peace, with two states for two peoples?

“Will we hold Vladimir Putin accountable for his aggression, so the people of Ukraine can live free and Europe remains an anchor for global peace and security?

“And the overarching question: Will we relentlessly pursue our positive vision for the future, or will we allow those who do not share our values to drag the world to a more dangerous and divided place?

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