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Former Leader of Donbass Survives Kiev's Assassination Attempt

Oleg Tsaryov, the target of Kiev’s attempted assassination on Oct. 27, had been in critical condition, but now is recovering. Yesterday he spoke publicly to RT. Of the Kiev regime, he said that “sooner or later they will have to answer for what they have done, for assassination attempts, for acts of terror, for war. For what they did to Ukraine.” Tsaryov, a longtime legislator in Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada, was an advisor to the Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, when that government was overthrown in 2014, and then, that same year, became the Speaker of the joint legislature of Lugansk and Donetsk.

Speaking apparently on the grounds of the hospital, he said: “Special thanks for coming. Thanks to you, I was able to go out today for the first time, they didn’t let me out before. I got my phone, looked at the Telegram channel, read the news and messages. Thousands of unanswered messages, calls.” According to him, he did not think that so many people would worry about him. Tsaryov expressed gratitude to everyone, adding that he was especially grateful to the special services and doctors.

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