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Hungary's Orbán on Ukraine Says, ‘We Must Face Reality,’ No Battleground Solution

Hungary’s Prime MInister Viktor Orbán thinks it is time to end the fantasies about Ukraine. In a video released yesterday by Zoltan Kovacs, a spokesman for Hungary’s government, Orbán addresses the Ukraine conflict:

“What was the strategy of the West in that war? I simplify it a little bit, but this is the fact. Our strategy was that the Ukrainians will fight and will win on the frontline. The Russians will lose… and that loss will create a change in Moscow…That was the strategy: We finance, the Ukrainians fight and die.”

However, he continued, “where we are now, it is obvious that the Ukrainians will not win on the frontline.… There is no solution on the battleground. Russians will not lose. There will be no political change in Moscow. This is the reality.… Russia will not lose, and nothing will change in its policy. Therefore, we must face reality. We must switch to Plan B”—even though, he pointed out, the EU presently has no such plan.

Also last week, as reported by Politico, Orbán sent European Council President Charles Michel a letter stating: “The European Council must have a frank and open discussion on the feasibility of the EU’s strategic objectives in Ukraine.” He warned that Hungary would oppose any further aid unless the EU came up with objectives that were “realistically attainable” without continued U.S. support.