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Xi Jinping Meets with Russian Duma Chairman, Encourages Strengthening Ties Between Their Legislatures

While rumors continue to be spread about how China is having “second thoughts” about its relationship with Russia, China’s President Xi Jinping met on Nov. 22 with Vyacheslav Volodin, the chairman of the Russian State Duma. Xi reiterated the importance of that relationship and encouraged the legislatures of the two countries to work more closely together. Noting that next year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of China-Russia diplomatic ties, Xi said China is ready to work with Russia to deepen bilateral relations featuring permanent good-neighborly friendship, comprehensive strategic coordination, and mutually beneficial cooperation to inject new impetus into the development of the two countries and contribute to the prosperity and stability of the world.

Xi expressed his hope that the Russian State Duma and the National People’s Congress of China will strengthen exchanges of legislative experience and give full play to the role of special committees and friendship groups of the two legislatures to provide better legal support for bilateral cooperation.

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