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President Joe Biden, in the aftermath of Russia’s Dec. 28-29 missile and drone barrage on Ukraine, threatened that if Congress doesn’t pass his $106 billion war budget request, American troops will be fighting Russian troops directly. “Strikes reportedly hit a maternity hospital, a shopping mall, and residential areas—killing innocent people and injuring dozens more,” President Biden claimed in a statement issued by the White House Dec. 29. “It is a stark reminder to the world that, after nearly two years of this devastating war, Putin’s objective remains unchanged. He seeks to obliterate Ukraine and subjugate its people. He must be stopped.”

Further, Biden hyperventilated, “The American people can be proud of the lives we have helped to save and the support we have given Ukraine as it defends its people, its freedom, and its independence. But unless Congress takes urgent action in the new year, we will not be able to continue sending the weapons and vital air defense systems Ukraine needs to protect its people. Congress must step up and act without any further delay.”

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