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China Daily Stresses the Importance of Innovation in China’s Policy

An editorial published on Dec. 21 by China Daily under the headline “Innovation Key to High-Quality Development: China Daily” stresses the central importance of innovation in modern-day China.

“Innovation is at the heart of China’s modernization drive.… As the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has observed, `over the past 20 years, China has transformed from a technological backwater into an innovation powerhouse’ as a result of financial, human and physical capital invested in key and emerging technologies.”

The editorial adds: “China’s achievements in areas such as genomics, artificial intelligence and quantum computing show that it is successfully mobilizing the political will and societal and economic resources to boost the overall performance of China’s innovation system.” It then quotes from Harvard Business Review, which observed that China “‘has developed an astonishing propensity for adopting and adapting to innovations.’”

“In emphasizing a development philosophy that is innovative, coordinated, green and open, China is promoting the building of a shared future for all life on Earth,” China Daily concluded.