The 2023 session of Congress was remarkably unproductive in terms of its legislative achievement; only 22 bills passed and signed into law by the President. But the number of bills introduced on the subject of China was huge: 616 pieces of legislation “contain a variation of the word ‘China,’” reported Blaise Malley on Dec. 27 at Responsible Statecraft.
That averages out to more than three China-related bills introduced every day that Congress was in session!
The introduced (but not passed) bills include demands to:
• Shut down the Chinese consulate in New York City.
• End any foreign assistance to any of the remaining countries that still recognizes Taipei, should they recognize Beijing instead. It complains about “an incomprehensible adherence to the so-called ‘One-China’ policy,” which is current U.S. policy.
• Rename the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Washington to the Taiwan Representative Office.
• Declare that “the Chinese Communist Party is the greatest threat to freedom and to the free world.”