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Egypt Warns Israel Not To Force Palestinians into Egypt, Calls It Their ‘Red Line’

The destruction of Gaza. CC/Wafa

According to Al Ahram, the head of Egypt’s State Information Service Diaa Rashwan, on Dec. 7 claimed that Israel has turned the entire Gaza Strip into a battlefield, leaving no safe place for citizens, while at the same time is escalating its operations in the West Bank to displace Palestinians and liquidate the Palestinian cause. Israel wants “to push the Palestinians to leave their lands towards what it described as safe areas in southern Gaza towards Rafah. These areas lack all the services necessary for life, such as water, food, and shelter, and are not protected from bombing,” he added.

That approach “is exactly what Egypt has been warning against,” viewing it as part of an Israeli plan to deport the Palestinians and empty the Gaza Strip, he insisted. It is doing the same thing in the West Bank, pushing Palestinians to move towards Jordan, he declared.

Rashwan asserted that attempts to push Gazans towards Sinai constitute a red line for Egypt, which not only harms Egypt’s national security and sovereignty, but will also lead to the liquidation of the Palestinian cause. “No one can impose a fait accompli by force. Egypt has all the means to preserve its land and national security,” the official stated.

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