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Financial Times Opines, ‘Washington Should Reimpose Full Sanctions’ on Venezuela

A Dec. 10 editorial in the City of London’s daily house organ, the Financial Times, urged Washington to use the excuse of the border dispute between Venezuela and Guyana—itself induced by British geopolitics—to reimpose full sanctions on Venezuela and topple the Maduro government. The editorial said it was necessary because “Venezuela is an authoritarian regime backed by Russia, China and Iran,” whose “mischief” in South America has to be stopped.

The main “mischief” the Financial Times has in mind, as has been stated clearly by the U.S. Southern Command’s efforts to extend NATO into South America, is the growing desire in the region to establish economic development relations with China and its Belt and Road Initiative.

The FT thinks it can use Guyana, a British Commonwealth member, to further these strategic goals. “Backed by the U.S. and the U.K., Guyana has denounced Venezuelan aggression and vowed to resist the territorial claim.” The editorial then threateningly compared Venezuela’s actions to Argentina’s in 1982. “The Argentine junta’s decision to invade the Falkland [Malvinas] Islands triggered war with Britain and a humiliating defeat, which toppled the generals and paved the way for a return to democracy—surely not the outcome Caracas has in mind.”

The FT concluded: “The Biden administration should respond by swiftly reimposing all the economic sanctions it lifted on Venezuela, sending Maduro a clear message that his behavior is unacceptable and signaling future sanctions relief can only come after clear moves towards free and fair elections at home and respect for its neighbor’s territorial integrity. To do any less would be to betray Venezuela’s long-suffering opposition and an important democratic ally.”