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Green-Tech Destroys Traditional Competence of German Industry

The ostensible “promised land” of renewables and green technology will generate many unproductive jobs of little economic value, and in the course, kill many productive jobs in traditional industry. The case of leading German automobile supplier Bosch shows that: Its restructuring toward “green e-mobility” begins with the axing of 1,500 highly qualified jobs in R&D, which are made obsolete because their competence is no longer required for the sustainable future.

The transition to electromobility requires a high level of upfront expenditure and is accompanied by falling employment requirements, the Bosch management has informed the press. However, it puts the blame not on increased costs for inflation in energy and raw materials created by green transformation projects, but blames the “weak global economy” which is characteristic for the old paradigm. The BRICS strategy, a big step towards the new paradigm, is characterized by the drive towards industrialization and real infrastructure development, involving a continuous growth of production and employment. Unfortunately, the Bosch management is trapped in the pipe dream of the old paradigm, which implies that many more of the company’s 80,000 jobs will be axed as well in the coming years.