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The Intercept Reports on Broad-Ranging Censorship Order in Israel

News stories about IDF weapons, Hamas hostages, leaks from the security cabinet, and military tactics are among the topics covered by a censorship directive issued by the Chief Censor of Israel, Brig. Gen. Kobe Mandelblit, reports The Intercept. The order is published in English and has reportedly been broadly distributed, including to foreign press.

“I haven’t ever seen instructions like this sent from the censor aside from general notices broadly telling outlets to comply, and even then it was only sent to certain people,” Michael Omer-Man, a former editor-in-chief of +972 Magazine and a current director of Democracy in the Arab World Now (DAWN), told The Intercept.

“Below is a breakdown of the topics that are not allowed for broadcasting and should be submitted to the Israel Censor prior to their publication,” says the order, also inset into The Intercept article.

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