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“VoxUkraine” issued a warning on Nov. 24 over the international influence which the founder of the Schiller Institute, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, has gained, publishing an article entitled “Messing with the Truth: Disinformation in the West Spread by Helga Zepp-LaRouche.” Vox states that their warning is done “in collaboration with the Center for Countering Disinformation [CCD] of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine.” The NSDC is headed by Oleksiy Danilov and works under Ukraine’s Office of the President, headed by Andriy Yermak.

VoxUkraine called attention to its article again on Dec. 8, promoting its threats on its Facebook and X sites.

Danilov’s CCD targeted Zepp-LaRouche no later than July 2022 and has taken the position that anyone that departs from Kiev’s narrative is spreading disinformation, and spreading disinformation is an act of warfare. Their list of “information terrorists” is turned over to Ukraine’s SBU for it to decide what actions need to be taken.

VoxUkraine claims to have added new material which helps explain why Zepp-LaRouche is being listened to, and why she has a global audience. They ask, “Can such a respected German politician spread disinformation?” The opening example of disinformation they provide is that, in Zepp-LaRouche’s Feb. 26, 2022 interview with China’s CGTN, she explained that “the West made a big mistake by not listening to legitimate expressed security concerns of Russia” and that led to Russia’s Feb. 24, 2022 military operation. VoxUkraine insists that she “manipulated and concealed an obvious fact,” that Russia invaded in 2014. The rest of their “evidence” of disinformation is equally laughable.

It concludes by citing her keynote to the April 15-16, 2023 Schiller Institute conference which, says VoxUkraine, “aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the so-called proxy war in Ukraine.” They cite the program’s language: “It is a proxy war between the U.S., Great Britain and NATO, on the one side, and Russia on the other—with a conflict with China also looming.” The crime? Though she has “gathered like-minded individuals” together, and their “proposed for peace and cessation of arms supplies to Ukraine in the West will not be taken into account … this conference may still influence EU citizens … and viewers might … start opposing support for Ukraine.”

The simple story is that the Yermak-Danilov team is concerned that Zepp-LaRouche has an audience internationally and her message is taking hold.