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Russian Prime Minister Mishustin To Meet with Xi Jinping, as Russia-China Economic Cooperation Intensifies

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is paying a working visit to China on Dec. 19-20. “The 28th regular meeting of the Russian and Chinese heads of government is due to take place in Beijing. Mishustin will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping and will negotiate with Chinese State Council Premier Li Qiang,” the Russian government press service said.

The agenda is discussion of the development of Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction, the press service said. “They will emphasize broadening trade and economic cooperation and promoting major joint projects in various areas,” it said. “They plan to adopt a joint communique and sign a series of Russian-Chinese documents,” it said

This visit comes after a number of cooperation initiatives. Chinese State Council Vice-Premier Ding Xuexiang said recently that his country is ready to deepen energy cooperation with Russia to promote the development of the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership, according to Interfax. The Russian-Chinese Energy Cooperation Commission has met in Beijing. Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak represented Russia at the meeting.

Ding proposed deepening cooperation by intensifying energy trade, promoting the construction and stable operation of oil and gas projects, and implementing nuclear energy projects.

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