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Editor of Israel's Largest Daily Warns, ‘A Geopolitical Mess Could Be Upon Us’

Editor in Chief Nahum Barnea of Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel’s largest circulating daily, warned on Dec. 3 of the dangers of Israel’s current strategy. Under the title, “With Southern Gaza Next for IDF, A Geopolitical Mess Could Be Upon Us,” the op-ed kicker read: “Israel is betting the house on what may be a hastily planned and ill-conceived Khan Younis operation, and perhaps it’s time to recognize a complete victory is not in the cards; Our energy might be better served by retrieving all of the hostages and healing our deep collective wounds.”

After slamming Hamas, Barnea wrote: “In a move that is anything but strategically sound, the IDF is going into Khan Younis with no ‘morning after’ plan. This area is swarming with civilians who want nothing to do with this war, have no shelter, no hope and no respite from the constant bombings just minutes away from them. United Nations reports indicate a possible epidemic that could erupt at any moment, given the extremely unsanitary conditions they’re forced to live in since the IDF and Hamas bombed their homes in the north into oblivion. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, for whatever reason, thinks no such threat exists.”

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