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EIR Daily News • Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Lead

The Way Ahead: Discovering LaRouche’s Discovery

by Dennis Speed (EIRNS) — Jan. 17, 2024

“Established authorities” in politics, economics, history, and the generally-misnamed “social sciences”and other fields in the trans-Atlantic world are, and will remain, baffled, perplexed, dazed and confused about events on the battlefields of Ukraine, in the streets of Germany, in the caucuses of Iowa, and the courts at The Hague. None of their explanations would prepare them to even consider the idea that these are all projections of a field of universal change which is growing in power each time it is resisted.

While the actions of the BRICS nations, including the coordination of diplomatic initiatives at this moment between China, Russia, and several countries in Africa, are a masterful assault on the “Tony Blair International” and other “imperial humanitarian” apologists for genocide that once dominated financially-subjugated African nations, at Davos, both Saudi Arabia and Qatar are making a sharp cases for regional peace negotiations with Israel, but only if a timetable for the two-state solution for Palestine and Israel is outlined and agreed to. South Africa’s poetic presentation of the crime that is being perpetrated against Gaza has so resonated, that famous theater, movie and television actors have taken to reciting portions of that testimony throughout social media, sometimes as a protest which insists that until the crime is stopped, that testimony should be prayed, like a litany, not for the dead, but the undead that continue to abet the crime by allowing the crime to continue. They have discovered for some and realized for others a truer, higher function for art than the insipid, soul-deadening “career projects” they have been ensnared and destroyed by.

We are now in a time and place where only poets or artists are capable of expecting what is to come. “A storm is coming,” we are told at the beginning of Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell. And therefore, only a new security and development architecture can work. There are those, like Tell, who know how to navigate this storm. There are even those of which American poet Edgar Poe wrote, who have studied the storm from the inside, by plunging into it, and discovering that the storm is a vortex, whose laws, by being studied, allow for comprehension and even direction of its power—no matter how chaotic and terrifying it may appear to others. Such is The LaRouche Organization, tested and tempered by the same fire seen in the Israeli/U.S./British attempts to dismiss South Africa, by the 17 intelligence agencies’ “legal” assault on the Trump candidacy, by the “green Malthusian” opposition to the demands of the German farmers represents.

Of the Iowa caucus result, a horrified CNN wrote that “Former President Donald Trump’s huge win in the Iowa caucuses enshrines one of the most astonishing comebacks in American political history.” Imagine their horror if they suspected that the Iowa agricultural base would think in the same way—on economic matters, as well as about the threat to their respective nations—as the German farm sector now deploying throughout all the states of that nation on 100,000 tractors. What has the image of those 100,000 tractors in the street caused, not only truckers, and carpenters, and others in Germany to recognize about their own incipient power; how about those in Poland, France, and other countries? What is more powerful—100,000 tractors that represent creativity and production, or 100,000 tanks that represent killing and destruction? Which product should be sent to Ukraine? Why send a sword, when you can send a plow? What is the power that would exist in the world’s joint food production, not only to feed the world, but to renew the planet’s “ecosystem” through a landscape-gardening of the whole world, including mastering the rivers of the sky? If nations want to actually address the problems of pollution and the like, rather than non-existent problems like “catastrophic sudden warming” (other than through thermonuclear war), assemble the world’s farmers and they will do a far better job than all the “environmental experts.”

With respect to this idea of a “higher ecology,” the great Ukrainian-Russian scientist Vladimir Vernadsky in his paper “Some Words on the Noosphere” asked, “How can thought change material processes? Here a new riddle has arisen before us. Thought is not a form of energy. How then can it change material processes? That question has not as yet been solved….” The opening paragraph of the 1993 paper by the late economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche, “On LaRouche’s Discovery,” poses the vantage point from which such a question might not only be posed, but investigated, employing all of humanity, and all of humanity’s resources to answer it:

“The central feature of my original contribution to the Leibniz science of physical economy, is the provision of a method for addressing the causal relationship between, on the one side, individuals’ contributions to axiomatically revolutionary advances in scientific and analogous forms of knowledge, and, on the other side, consequent increases in the potential population-density of corresponding societies. In its application to political economy, my method focuses analysis upon the central role of the following, three-step sequence: first, axiomatically revolutionary forms of scientific and analogous discovery; second, consequent advances in machine-tool and analogous principles; finally, consequent advances in the productive powers of labor. “

This LaRouche opening paragraph is the necessary, if perhaps unexpected standpoint from which to understand the storm that is gathering now, seemingly, all over the world. It indicates the metric by which to judge how to intervene, and how to establish a new strategic and development architecture. It is therefore, also, the basis to know how to take individual action, including policymaking, step by step—and how to oppose the destruction of humanity that must be the inevitable outcome of continuing to take the opposite, current path, the one that has been taken for six decades. Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s Ten Principles are the statement, in political organizing terms, of LaRouche’s discovery.


New World Paradigm

Strategic War Danger

U.S. and Canada

Collapsing Imperial System

Harley Schlanger Update

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