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100,000 Tractors Rolling in German Farmers Protest

German farmers hit the road to potest the destruction of agriculture. EIRNS/Christopher Lewis

The farmers’ nationwide week of action in Germany began powerfully yesterday, with tractorcades in about 100 cities in all 16 states, resulting in, among other things, a call by the four SPD-led state governments of Lower Saxony, Saarland, Brandenburg, and Mecklenburg, to the SPD-led Federal government to rethink policies for the agricultural sector, and to put at the center the interest of the farmers—which is also the interest of the population at large—the secured supply of food at affordable prices. All in all, more than 100,000 tractors were rolling, joined in many cases by other vehicles, such as trucks and construction machines. The farmers received support also from other sectors, including truck and bus drivers, transport workers, teachers, and physicians.

Protest events are already staged in many cities today. Probably the biggest will be in Bavaria, with 5,500 tractors rolling into the center of Munich this morning. More is to come on Jan. 10 and 11—including tractorcades driving up to several food logistics centers in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, according to the farmers’ association Ostvorpommern. The aim is to emphasize that farmers supply the raw materials for all products on the shelves of large supermarkets.

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