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China Promotes Cross-Straits Fujian-Taiwan Integrated Development

As Global Times reported Jan. 9, China has announced a series of sweeping measures regarding cross-Straits integrated development between Fujian province in eastern China and Taiwan designed to promote economic and trade cooperation between the two regions. Taiwanese businessmen are hailing the new measures as steps that will help businesses from the island explore and expand on the mainland and see this as a sign of China’s good will in supporting Taiwan’s regional economy. There’s little evidence that Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is interested or willing to develop a regional economy.

Announced before Taiwan’s Jan. 13 election for a new regional leader, the guidelines include measures to support micro and small Taiwanese businesses to explore the mainland’s market, and support Taiwan’s businesses in participating in the new industrialization process, leading them to invest in advanced manufacturing and high-tech industries. Establishing Fujian-Taiwan industrial clusters with global competitiveness is another goal that can be aided by Fujian leveraging its advantages in the digital economy, new energy, lithium batteries, petrochemical, textile and other sectors.

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