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Israelis Petition in Support of South Africa's Case on Genocide

As of this evening, local time in Israel, 310 Israeli citizens had signed a new petition, one addressed to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, declaring their support for the lawsuit filed by South Africa against the State of Israel. The petition reads:

“We, Israeli citizens, write to express our support for South Africa’s proceedings before the ICJ claiming that Israel’s conduct in Gaza violates its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The materials that emerge from South Africa’s application are horrific and credible. Israel is taking systematic steps to wipe out the population of Gaza, to starve them, to abuse them and to displace them. It implements a policy of erasing life possibilities, and that leads to genocide. It systematically kills large sections of the population, leading academics, writers, doctors, medical staff, journalists and ordinary citizens.

“We join the double concern expressed in the proceedings that Israel violates its obligations by committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, and by failing to prevent the genocide, including by failing to hold senior Israeli officials and others accountable for their direct and public incitement to genocide. We also join the applicants requesting a series of ‘provisional measures,’ including that Israel immediately suspend its military operations in Gaza.”

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