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The Israel Defense Forces announced that their fighter jets today attacked Hezbollah military targets in the areas of Labbouneh, Majdal Zoun and Bint Jbeil in southern Lebanon, in an escalated response to Hezbollah rockets the day before. Also today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told his cabinet meeting, according to the Times of Israel, that Hezbollah should “learn what Hamas has already learnt … no terrorist is immune. We are determined to protect our citizens and return the residents of the north safely to their homes.” He warned that “we will do it through diplomatic methods, and if not, we will act in other ways.”

Meanwhile, the Washington Post reminded readers that every day Netanyahu extends military confrontations is a day that he avoids facing the court docket and/or losing his office. They report that U.S. officials are concerned that he will expand the fighting against Lebanon for his political survival. They mention a new U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency assessment indicating that the IDF would be hard-pressed to win any large-scale assault against Hezbollah.