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Pressenza International Agency Publishes Report of Prof. Boyle’s IPC Lecture

International Court of Justice hearings on Isreali genocide in Gaza. Credit: IJC

The remarks to the Jan. 19 International Peace Coalition meeting by Prof. Francis Boyle on South Africa’s application to the World Court against Israel for genocidal acts against Palestinians, published in the Jan. 20 issue of EIR Daily News, is reprinted by Pressenza International Press Agency on its homepage, in its “Opinion” section. His report is essential to circulate widely, in order to counter pressure placed on the International Court of Justice to accept technicalities as excuses to avoid ordering protective measures; and in order to counter the false report given the Court regarding its own 1993 rulings, by attorney Christopher Staker on behalf of Israel. Staker’s falsification of the results of the 1993 ICJ proceedings on genocidal acts by Yugoslavia against the Muslim population of Bosnia, is explained in Boyle’s remarks published by EIR and Pressenza in detail. Professor Boyle was the successful applicant attorney in that 1993 proceeding.

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