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U.S. Reported Adding to Iraq Occupation, Activating ISIS

A report “by The Cradle’s Iraq Correspondent” was published by that website Jan. 20, describing in detail what it called the deliberate “reviving of ISIS” by the United States to aid its interventions to escalate the Southwest Asia war crisis. The Cradle’s correspondent added that “Washington … announced on 14 January that it would be sending an additional 1,500 troops to Iraq and Syria illegally, and without the consent of either nation.” (EIR cannot confirm this announcement.)

Assassinations claimed by ISIS sub-groups have occurred in Iran and in Lebanon during Israel’s war on Gaza, and the suicide bombing of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. members in Kerman, Iran led directly to Iranian missile strikes within Iraqi Kurdistan and then in Pakistan, Pakistan’s striking a terror site within Iran, and a flareup of hostilities between Iran and Pakistan which diplomacy has calmed. It would appear that ISIS is acting to escalate Israel’s war, while U.S. military operations in Syria and Iraq have intensified, according to The Cradle, to infiltrate a lot of ISIS fighters into western Iraq’s Houran Valley for training and deployment.

The author writes: “Importantly, this surge in terror activities comes at a time when the Lebanese resistance is engaged in a security and military battle with Israel, which may expand at any moment into open war. It is also notable that renewed ISIS activity is concentrated in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran; that is, in the countries that support the Palestinian resistance politically, militarily, and logistically.

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