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Boris Johnson: Putin's Suggestion That U.K. Had Kiev Turn Down Peace Deal Is "Ludicrous"

Boris Johnson accused Tucker Carlson of “fawning” and guffawing” before a Hitler-like Putin in his Feb. 6 interview of the Russian President. In particular, BoJo explained, in a Feb. 9 feature in the Daily Mail piece, that Carlson “did not challenge the ludicrous suggestion that the U.K. government persuaded the Ukrainians to fight on, rather than surrender to Putin’s tender mercies, in the spring of 2022. As every member of the Ukrainian government will confirm, from Zelenskyy down, nothing and no one could have stopped those lion-hearted Ukrainians from fighting for their country—and nothing will.”

Unfortunately for BoJo, the leaders of the Ukrainian delegation in those March-April 2022 peace talks with Russia have since named the U.K. government—actually singling out then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson—for cutting the ground out from under the Ukrainian peace deal. All that Ukraine needed at the time, since they were not going to join NATO, was for a guarantor in the West for Ukraine’s security. BoJo personally made clear to Kiev that the West would not do so, would not agree to any deal with Russia, and offered more and more weaponry.

Otherwise, under the headline, “Putin’s Interview with His Fawning Stooge Tucker Carlson Was Straight Out of Hitler’s Playbook. I Pray Americans See Through This Unholy Charade,” Johnson explained that Putin is following in Adolf Hitler’s footsteps: “Exactly like Hitler, Putin now drones on about the alleged injustices suffered by speakers of his native tongue. Listen to Putin talking about Russophones in the Donbas, or Hungarophones in western Ukraine, and you can hear Hitler talking about the Sudetenland or Alsace-Lorraine…. The Russian leader chose to invade a sovereign and independent European country—with no justification other than his arrogant desire to crush that country and to rebuild the Soviet Union.… He is no more invincible than Adolf Hitler; in fact, he is bound to lose. He has already suffered colossal losses....”

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