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In O Globo Interview, Lavrov Discusses BRICS, Emerging Nations' Role

In Brazil for the G20 Foreign Ministers meeting Feb. 21-22, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov discussed the role of the G20 and Brazil’s current presidency of it with an interviewer from the daily O Globo, pointing out that relying on “just one center of economic power” is not the most viable approach. The G20’s focus on reforming and restoring the functionality of global economic institutions, is positive, Lavrov said, particularly because “emerging markets are acting independently and insisting on fair consideration of their interests.”

Addressing the BRICS issue, Lavrov emphasized that the agenda of Brazil’s G20 presidency “is in line with Russia’s plans regarding BRICS.” Brazil, for example, has invited the New Development Bank (NDB) to interact with the G20, he reported. And, he added, strengthening the “potential and role of BRICS in international affairs is our priority.” While the BRICS members are diverse in terms of their political systems and religions, they can work together as equal partners. The BRICS “international standing is steadily growing,” seen in the fact that five new members joined on Jan. 1. “BRICS is a pillar of the multipolar world,” Lavrov underscored. Under Russia’s 2024 chairmanship there are 200 events planned.

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