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New U.S. Intel Report Has ‘Low Confidence’ in Israel’s Claims against UNRWA

When a Jan. 26 intelligence assessment from Israel reportedly found 12 employees in the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) to have participated in the Oct. 7, 2023 Hamas raids against Israel, the United States and many other Western countries obligingly responded by withdrawing all funding for the UN aid organization for Palestine. Officials around the world made calls that the organization’s funding be upheld, given its vital importance for the livelihoods of millions of people, who will face certain death without its assistance. Despite this, and despite the fact that Israel’s “assessment” never included any actual evidence of its assertions, the despicable shutdown in funding continued.

According to a Wall Street Journal report on Feb. 21, citing an anonymous source, a U.S. intelligence report concludes with only “low confidence” regarding Israel’s claims about the UNRWA employees on Oct. 7. The U.S. report believes the claims may be “likely,” but that they could not be independently verified.

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